IP Law News

New Invention: Cellular Impedance Biosensor for drug testing applications


One inventor from Malaysia have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


Cellular Impedance Biosensor for drug testing applications..”



New Invention: Safety helmet for motorcycle.

One inventor from Iran have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


Safety helmet for motorcycle”.



This invention comprises of


New Invention: Intelligent Wind Power Generating Unit for Automobiles.

One inventor from Taiwan have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


Intelligent Wind Power Generating Unit for Automobiles.”



New Invention: Wave Energy System for Electricity Power Generation

One inventor from Malaysia have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


Wave Energy System for Electricity Power Generation”


New Invention: Intelligent back brace being capable of alerting when sitting inapropriatelly and lifting things in accordance with ergonomic structure of body.


One inventor from Iran have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


„ Intelligent back brace being capable of alerting when sitting inapropriatelly and lifting things in accordance with ergonomic structure of body.“



Benefits of this invention:


New Invention: Design and Construction of the Gravity System to Reduce Body Weight

One inventor from Iran have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


„Design and Construction of the Gravity System to Reduce Body Weight“



Benefits of this invention:


New Invention: System and method for rotation of a shaft using the force of gravity.

One inventor from Venezuela have presented at the IENA Invention Fair 2013 his invention:


„System and method for rotation of a shaft using the force of gravity.“



Benefits of this invention:


Exceptions to patentability according to European Patent Convention


According to the regulation in the European Patent Convention (EPC) European patents shall not be granted in respect of:

(a) inventions the publication or exploitation of which would be contrary to "ordre public" or morality, provided that the exploitation shall not be deemed to be so contrary merely because it is prohibited by law or regulation in some or all of the Contracting States;

European Patent Convention (EPC) - Patentable inventions

According to the regulation in the European Patent Convention (EPC)

European patents shall be granted for any inventions which are susceptible of industrial application, which are new and which involve an inventive step.


The following in particular shall not be regarded as inventions according to EPC regulations:

(a) discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;

(b) aesthetic creations;

(c) schemes, rules and methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and programs for computers;


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