IP Law News

New invention: Portable solar heat pump dryer for agricultural, marine products and medicinal herbs

Group of inventors from Malaysia presented at the Brussels Innova Invention Fair 2013 the invention: Portable solar heat pump dryer for agricultural, marine products and medicinal herbs.


New invention: Piper sarmentosum as a therapeutic agent to prevent fractures and accelerate fracture healing

Group of inventors from Malaysia presented at the Brussels Innova Invention Fair 2013 the invention: Piper sarmentosum as a therapeutic agent to prevent fractures and accelerate fracture healing.


New invention: Rapid electromagnetic determination of corn amino acids

One inventor from Malaysia have presented at the Innova Brussels Invention Fair 2013 his invention: „ Rapid electromagnetic determination of corn amino acids”/


New invention: Antimicrobial collagen wound dressing

Group of inventors from Romania and Turkey have presented at the

New Invention: Non – Toxic Silicon Solar Cell

Group of inventors from Malaysia have presented at the

New invention: Fabrication of polystyrene micro carriers with halal gelatin coating.

Group of inventors from Malaysia presented at the Nuremberg IENA Invention Fair 2013 the invention: Fabrication of polystyrene micro carriers with halal gelatin coating.  





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