IP Law News

New Invention: Method and Apparatus for Storing Energy

An inventor from Saudi Arabia presented at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2014 the invention: “Method and Apparatus for Storing Energy”.



  • Grid scale energy storage system,
  • It will work for load management and will boost the renewable energy like wind and solar,
  • It will help shaving the peak and will make the wind and solar energy reality,
  • Solving this problem will save energy and reduce the pollution that comes from the fossil fuel burning.


New Invention: Vanadium Flow Battery (VFB) for Massive Renewable Energy

An inventor from China presented at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2014 the invention: “Vanadium Flow Battery (VFB) for Massive Renewable Energy”.


The invention is a novel manufacturing process to produce affordable and high quality battery stacks with good stability and energy efficiency, in which a basket of edge – cutting technologies are employed, including unique stack design, high performance proton conduction membrane and specially developed assembly machinery, etc.


Special advantages:


New Invention: The Electronic Control Unit for The Dual Diesel Fuel Engine

An inventor from Thailand presented at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva 2014 his invention: „The Electronic Control Unit for The Dual Diesel Fuel Engine”.


Tech Eye , future of renewable energy

German architect André Broessel, of Rawlemon, has presented new invention which is future of renewable energy. The invention is  a spherical sun-tracking solar energy-generating globe -- essentially a giant glass marble on a robotic steel frame. This invention  concentrates both sunlight and moonlight up to 10,000 times -- making its solar harvesting capabilities 35 percent more efficient than conventional dual-axis photovoltaic designs.

Pacemakers could be powered by organ implant

Researchers teams from several U.S. academic institutions and one from China created a small, piezoelectric device that, when attached to a constantly moving organ — such as the heart, lung or diaphragm — can produce electricity to power a pacemaker or other medical implant.

Whale-Like Plane

Oscar Viñals, Aviation enthusiast and Barcelona-based designer came up with the Sky Whale as a futuristic vision for greener air travel. According to the description of his design , he combined existing technology with concepts that don’t exist yet , all with purpose to maximize performance while minimizing the environmental impact. His design could reduce both air and noise pollution.

Electricity generated from Bacteria-Coated Rubber


A new kind of electric generator has a modest new unexpected energy source: A small strip of latex rubber coated with bacterial spores.

The contraption makes use of the harmless soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis, which has a neat survival trick. When nutrients are scarce, it turns itself into a tough little spore that can withstand heat, desiccation, chemical assaults, radiation and anything else the world can throw at it.

New invention: Floating platform

An inventor from Romania presented at the Brussels Innova Invention Fair 2013 the invention:  Floating platform.

Description of the invention:

The invention is referring to an energetic autonomous floating platform with aeration systems development for the improvement of waters quality from the isolated areas. The problem solved by this invention is the efficient joining of complex equipments (blower, submersible installation for air dispersion into the aquatic medium, water suction pump, photovoltaic panels, wind micro-turbine) with results in water quality improving.

New invention: Wireless access to local computer network on a small size ship

An inventor from Russia presented at the Brussels Innova Invention Fair 2013 the invention: Wireless access to local computer network on a small size ship.


This invention has several useful purposes, such as timely and qualitative assessment of navigation and hydro-meteorological situation in a navigation region. The second purpose is planning and plotting a navigation course on an electronic map. Other purposes are:


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