New Invention: Hybrid Solar Air – Conditioning System

An inventor from Saudi Arabia presented at the Geneva Invention Fair 2013 the patented invention „Hybrid Solar Air – Conditioning System”. The invention  includes an air intake having an air drying system that uses a liquid desiccant to dry ambient air, a  desiccant regeneration system that uses a heat exchanger  having oil heated by solar energy  to remove water from the desiccant, an indirect evaporative air conditioner that uses an air-air heat exchanger to cool the dried air indirectly  with evaporative cooled air,  a distilled water recovery to recover water from the desiccant and from the evaporative cooled air  in the form of distilled water and a controller to control room temperature and relative humidity and to regulate the air intake and the flow of desiccant and oil in the system.


  • This invention enables the use of evaporative cooling  in regions having high humidity,
  • Low power consumption air – conditioner,
  • 100% fresh air to the building occupants,
  • Compressor – less air conditioner  requires  low air-conditioning load.

This invention has a potential for broad international application.`The inventor is  interested in commercialization of the patented invention, seeking appropriate interested manufacturer. EPO Patent Registration Services and Consulting GmbH has made direct contact with the inventor and has information about the invention. Interested parties can contact EPO Patent Registration at