European patent - Examination procedure (Part 1)

According to Rule 71 and other regulations of the European Patent Convention (EPC) Implementing Regulations (IR)


In any communication regarding examination of the European patent application, the Examining Division shall, where appropriate, invite the applicant to correct any deficiencies noted and to amend the description, claims and drawings within a period to be specified.


Any such communication, shall contain a reasoned statement covering, where appropriate, all the grounds against the grant of the European patent.


Before the Examining Division decides to grant the European patent, it shall inform the applicant of the text in which it intends to grant it and of the related bibliographic data. In this communication the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to pay the fee for grant and publishing and to file a translation of the claims in the two official languages of the European Patent Office (EPO)  other than the language of the proceedings within four months.  
The official languages of EPO are English, German and French.

Prepared,  July 3rd  , 2021 

by European Patent Registration and Consulting Services
prov. by Lawyers Antevski member of network of ARI INTERNATIONAL Law & Trade from Liechtenstein