European patent – Examination procedure (Part 2)
According to Rule 71 and other regulations of the European Patent Convention (EPC) Implementing Regulations (IR)
If the European patent application in the text intended for grant comprises more than fifteen claims, the Examining Division shall invite the applicant to pay claims fees in respect of the sixteenth and each subsequent claim within four months unless the said fees have already been paid.
If the applicant, within the period of four months , pays the fees for grant and publishing and, where applicable pays the claims fees and files the translations of the claims in the two official languages of the European Patent Office other than the language of the proceedings, he shall be deemed to have approved the text in which the Examining Division intends to grant European patent communicated to him and verified the bibliographic data.
If the applicant, within the period of four months requests reasoned amendments or corrections to the communicated text or keeps to the latest text submitted by him, the Examining Division shall issue a new communication under paragraph 3 of this rule if it gives its consent; otherwise it shall resume the examination proceedings.
If the fee for grant and publishing or the claims fees are not paid in due time, or if the translations are not filed in due time, the European patent application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Prepared, July 19th , 2021
by European Patent Registration and Consulting Services
prov. by Lawyers Antevski member of network of ARI INTERNATIONAL Law & Trade from Liechtenstein